We are an online Running studio that delivers a virtual group exercise experience that can be done anywhere and at anytime for anyone globally.

we help to give guidance to those who seek it by offering guided audio run workouts that can be done on the road, track, trail or treadmill, live or on demand. We also offer daily strength programming to support your running. We aim to give mental focus and clarity and a physical rush from every single run and will help to take you to a place that you might not have been able to get to on your own.

Our Coaches

Tee White Pola.jpg

What do you coach/teach?

I have been a trainer for 15 years and have taught a multitude of different modalities ranging from aerobics, dance, hiit, barefoot conditioning to strength & conditioning classes. I’ve always invested heavily into my own education as a fitness trainer as have always enjoyed the learning process and being able to instruct a variety of group exercise classes. I have also just began my journey to become a qualified yoga teacher too! I am also Master Trainer at Barry’s. I coach/PT for athletic performance and help my clients to have more balance & structure in their training.

What do you enjoy training for?

I used to enjoy CrossFit and still dabble in it sometimes however this does interfere with my Triathlon training. I love the mix of cycling, swimming and running and I do my strength training to support these disciplines individually.

What are you passionate about?

My passion is in giving my clients a holistic fitness experience that they will remember in a positive way. I have always found that coaching running in particular has enabled me to do this. Creating a euphoric high through the music and helping my clients to push through to a place they might not have been able to get to on their own.

Erica White Pola.jpg

What do you coach/teach?

I’m a certified running coach, that specialises in long distance/endurance running.

What do you enjoy training for?

I enjoy all different types of training really, running is my main thing I am an endurance junkie but I do love strength training as it goes hand in hand with my running. I’ve also got this wild idea that I want to do an Ironman before I’m 30 so I love getting out on the bike…

What are you passionate about?

Im mostly passionate about getting people outside and together, there’s no better feeling then getting a distance PB with people who are generally happy and encouraging you (basically someone else is thinks is fun to wake up early at the weekend and run for hours 😂) there’s such an amazing community in fitness that I just want everyone to feel happy comfortable and safe in that community, it absolutely breaks my heart when I hear people say they’re too scared to run outside because they’re scared of what people will think or that they’re too slow etc etc

everyone that runs is a runner!


What Do you coach/teach?

I'm both a run and strength and conditioning coach. The two go hand-in-hand, but so often coaches like me find that runners neglect their strength training, or believe they don't need it. But that's like building a house on quicksand; sooner or later that hard-earned progress in your favourite thing will deteriorate without proper foundations! Lecture over haha 😉.

What do you enjoy training for?

I used to be bang into CrossFit and train up to five times a week, solely in that. These days, my body and mind respond better to structured strength training, but you'll often find my finishers have a CrossFit touch to them! I use running to detach from the week and relax. There is nothing quite the happiness and peace you feel after running - it's so unique.

What Are you passionate about

Bringing that sense of joy and achievement to clients through fitness, in whichever way aligns to their goals. Whether that's running, strength training or simply spending an hour moving. My only caveat is that it has to some something you enjoy, or you simply won't stick to it!
We're all busy, but setting aside that time to invest in yourself physically and mentally, 3-5 times a week should be your non-negotiable. I want that time spent with me, whether that's online or in person, to be something you look forward to. That way, we can work towards smashing your goals together.

How long have you been teaching?

I’ve been a coach for six years and have spent a lot of that time teaching group exercise classes. I love the atmosphere of training in a team.

What made you start?

Initially I started to educate myself for my own development. It’s really important for me to understand ‘why?’ Being able to answer that question informs how we approach training. Now I enjoy helping people navigate their own ‘why?’

What makes you passionate about coaching?

I’m mostly passionate about getting people moving in a way they enjoy. I love to see someone realise their own capability - whether it’s a PB or learning a new skill. The feeling of working towards a goal and achieving it is incomparable. It’s as much the journey as the destination that makes the pay off great. I try to remind myself of that whenever my own training isn’t going to plan.

What’s your style of coaching / instructing?

I’d describe my style as firm but flexible. So much of the athlete - coach relationship is based on feedback. Which means over time I’ll learn when you need an extra push and when we need to adapt.

What kind of playlist gets you running?

Anything with a solid beat. If it’s got a strong baseline I can zone out the rest of the world and tune into my run. That’s the best thing about running with music. It’s euphoric in a unique way.

Favourite post workout meal?

Anything with peanut butter. I love a chocolate and peanut butter protein shake or a bowl of oats with banana and peanut butter. I never crave it at any other time but after training it always hits the spot.

What fitness goal are you working toward at the moment?

At the moment I’m focused on honing in my Olympic lift technique. Specifically working towards a new PB in my Snatch and Clean and Jerk.

Join our new coach Cascade and Tee for run club this Saturday 10.45 meet at Paddington Recreation Ground. Expect track drills to improve your running and a fun track workout!

We Have authenticity as your coaches, we run, we train, we’re committed to self improvement and we wouldn’t ever program your run or training session without trialling it ourselves first.