Newsletter 30/06/22

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Welcome to this week's newsletter!


Keep reading to find out our exciting new developments coming to FORCEVELOCITYGROUP.COM

Sunday Run clubs with Erica are back up and running this Sunday 26th June at 10:30am from Bishopsgate Station (no fee just rock up!), and Tee wil be hosting a Leopard run on Saturday 2nd July!

We cant wait to see you there and bring the Force Velocity energy!

It is already that time, the end of another amazing cycle. Cycle 4! It has been amazing to watch everyone go from strength to strength, and improve on their own individual goals whilst supporting each other as a team - proud coaches moment!

We are super excited to bringing back our on-demand workouts to our platform - we have always provided our strength programming in written form through TrueCoach/email, so we can't wait to bring the energy and audio to you wherever and whenever you choose to workout! Expect these workouts to be 10-30minutes which will be broken down into Total Body, Upper Body and Lower Body formats which will be filmed by our own coaches Tee and Sally. Having the visual aids to guide you through your workout is a great way to focus on form but also use as a form of motivation to push you through the tougher session. These workouts will compliment our audio run and cycle workouts perfectly!

Back by popular demand - we are bringing our audio cycle sessions back to the airwaves soon. These sessions will be uploaded weekly similar to our audio runs, and are designed to be done in the gym alongside or separate to our strength workouts. If you have ever been curious to get into cycling, these workouts are the perfect way to ease into the feeling of pacing on the bike whilst also building your leg strength and cardiovascular endurance outside of running. Any questions? Erica is our resident cyclist who is known to get out on the bike each weekend for endurance sessions, so be sure to drop her a message with anything cycle related!

For our next cycle, our new run programming will be available with curated Spotify playlists which will match for those who want to run without the voiceover coaching - all the high energy beats to power you through!

We have so many exciting things coming to you, and we can't wait to roll them out!



This recipe is packed full of veg and is the perfect post-workout refuel with hit of protein to boost recover. Super quick and easy to make as an on-the-go option! 

How to Make a Frittata Recipe - Love and Lemons

- 1/2 red pepper
- 1/2 small green or red chilli 
- 2 eggs + 2 extra egg whites
- handful of chopped basil and parsley
- 40g feta 
- salt and pepper to taste

All you need to do is whisk the eggs together, then add all ingredients to combine, and add to your oven-safe pan! Start cooking on the stove to heat through the bottom, then finish it off in the oven to get a nice grill on top. Enjoy!! 



We all know and love the classic disco playlist energy that Tee brings to her runs and classes - so this weeks playlist is from Tee herself! Think disco vibes and high energy beats to power your workout our run. Thank us later!


Spicy Strength Workout ️️

800m run

30 deadlifts, 40 push ups, 50 air squats

400m run

25 deadlifts, 35 push ups, 45 air squats

200m run

20 deadlifts, 30 push ups, 40 air squats

100m run

15 deadlifts, 25 push ups, 35 air squats

100m run

10 deadlifts, 20 push ups, 30 air squats

Team treadmill sprint relay - 30secs on 30 secs off x 3

Give it a try - and better yet, bring a friend along to train side by side. We have some exciting new developments coming up to make our workouts even more accessible — stay tuned 🏻

Newsletter 07/07/22


Newsletter 23/06/22

Force Velocity Group


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