Newsletter 14/07/22

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Welcome to this week's newsletter!

Keep reading to find out our exciting new developments coming to FORCEVELOCITYGROUP.COM

We cant wait to see you there and bring the Force Velocity energy!

*feeling hot hot hot 🥵*

Ladies and gentlemen here are some top tips from me to you for cycling and running in this STUPIDDDD HEAT.. 

- Rule number one: SUNCREAM please… this will be your best friend because no one wants to see someone rocking a red aerosuit suit walking down the beach on their holiday… (if you know you know)
- Rule number 2: water & plenty of it. If you’re planning a long ride take two bottles and put electrolytes in one because if you run out of water at least you’ll be able to replenish the sweat loss with the salts until you can find water (don’t do a me and not fill your water bottle up and have to ride 30km in 30 degree heat with NOOO WATER)
- Rule number 3: MORE WATER. I’ll keep saying it water is everything you can really bury yourself on the bike and on your longer rides in this heat dehydration can be SUPEEERRRR dangerous so drink up
- Rule number 4: obnoxiously big/funky running/cycling glasses just to let everyone know you’re a serious athlete 
- Rule number 5: I shouldn’t have to say it but dress appropriately - don’t be wearing your winter leggings/tights when it’s 30 degrees be smart… dig out those short shorts you’ve been hiding from for years and get those pins out 
- Rule number 6: if you don’t want to run cause all your mates are at the pub but you know you should.. run to the pub that first drink will go straight to your head and hey any hydration is good hydration right?? (Please drink responsibility and do a glass of water first 🤪)
- And lastly just have fun, when it’s hot like this it is so much fun to make a day of your activity, ring a mate and make a day of it cause this shouldn't be a “chore” or a “I have to” it’s meant to be “I want to” 

Happy running/cycling kids!


I’m going to start by saying that this is my personal opinion and by no means am I saying that these will work for you, these trainers are what I find most responsive and stable for my training & running style after years of trialling out shoes!! If you want professional options please go and get a gait analysis by a professional who will tell you the correct shoes for your running style!!

Ok now that’s out of the way let’s get into it!! As a running I naturally have a running shoe rotation, which means I always have around three pairs, one for each different type of running I do!! It helps as each shoe is constructed different to aid my workouts and delays the breakdown process of the shoe meaning I can have them for longer without having to replace every two months.

So let’s kick it off with the easy boys, I LOVE my Nike zoom fly 3, I call them the poor mans vaporflys!!! They’re the shoe I use for me long easy runs (solis60 style) They’re bouncy enough that I have a little spring in my step and comfy that I have no issues what’s over ever with the longer distances!! They make me feel fast even when I’m easy running!! 

Next up we have my speed intival shoes I am obsessed with my Nike Tempo next% they have the air bubble are the front of the shoe for maximum explosive power and utter response for speed change! The air bubble at the front takes a little getting used to but once you have it they’re amazing. I love them for interval running like the tempus or the lightening bolt!!

Lastly my pride and joy, the Nike Vaporfly next % 2!! These shoes are the light of my life they make running easy!! They are my race shoes I try and use them for nothing else because they’re way to expensive and I don’t want to replace them!! The carbon plate at the front of the shoe makes you run fast with minimal effort, for how light they are there is so much stability, Nike did amazing with these and I love them

Coach Erica xx


Balancing the Summer festivities and training
As the weather is well and truly scorching in London now, and everyone and their dog is out on the town enjoying the heat - it's always a good time to remember how to look after yourselves when the summer BBQ parties start to come in thick and fast! Balancing the summer holidays and your training can be tricky, so be kind to yourself! Here are some tips to ease you into the season:

1. If you’re heading out for some summer drinks to cool off, water is your best friend especially in this crazy heat. Balance every glass of booze with a glass of water and it’s likely your hangover will be massively reduced (although we cannot promise anything!).

2. If you wake up feeling rough, be sensible. Movement will clear the head but hitting treadmill sprints probably isn’t the one and you may end up injured. Walk, strength train if you feel up to it, or jog perhaps, but keep it relatively low-impact.

3. To strengthen your immune system, strengthen your muscles! Increased muscle mass is linked to a healthy immune system, especially as we get older. Don’t neglect those weights on the days you don't feel like it, they are around for a reason!

4. Make the first step to get back into training in the heat. Most of the battle is actually getting your kit on and yourself out of the door. Once you are laced up and plugged in, the rest will take care of itself . Make sure to be well hydrated and fueled before you head out, and try to find the cooler parts of the day to make sure we don't get ourselves into trouble!

Happy training! And remember - drink your water!


This one is for you if like us you feel paralysed by the threat of climate crisis and feel utterly hopeless in your endeavours at trying to individually tackle the monumental threat of global warming

"When it comes to taking meaningful steps to redress the climate crisis, so many of us are left crippled. It’s a problem so huge, so existential, most people feel powerless to make a difference. But in truth, there are many substantive onramps to participate in the solution, and today’s guest is a wonderfully gracious, charitable, experienced, and optimistic cipher to explore these various paths.

Meet Paul Hawken, one of the environmental movement’s leading voices.

This is an optimistic conversation about our greatest existential threat. A conversation that extends beyond statistics, blame, and fear to illuminate what each and every one of us can all do now to support what Paul calls regeneration: a call to action that weaves justice, climate, biodiversity, equity, and human dignity into a seamless tapestry of action, policy, and transformation to live more symbiotically with the planet that supports us us

This podcast covers everything from the current state of affairs of the climate crisis, to the actionable steps we can all take to foster regeneration and most importantly, the state of mind we all need to maintain to heal our earth and secure the future of humankind."


Get in the pool this week to escape the heat! Indoors, outdoors - anything will do! If you are escaping London and heading to the beach, you can also use this as a great way to get some incidental swimming in (no you dont need to be doing laps of the beach!). Enjoy the relief from the sweaty outdoors, and cool off whilst still getting your exercise in.

Warm up:
5 x 100m (1 Freestyle, 2 Backstroke, 3 individual medley, 4 Freestyle, 5 Backstroke)

Main set:
8 x 50m freestyle - 1 x 50m hard, 1 x 50m easy
100m easy freestyle
6 x 50m freestyle - 2 x 50m hard, 1 x 50m easy
100m easy freestyle 
4 x 50m freestyle - 3 x 50m hard, 1 x 50m easy
100 easy freestyle 
3 x 100m freestyle - descend in time 1-3 

Cool down:
200m easy



Newsletter 21/07/22


Newsletter 07/07/22

Force Velocity Group


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