Newsletter 12/05/22

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Welcome to this week's newsletter!

Keep reading to find out our exciting new developments coming to FORCEVELOCITYGROUP.COM

We cant wait to see you there and bring the Force Velocity energy!



Yes yes FVR CREW!!

We hope you're having an amazing week and are getting ready to chomp down on Cycle #4 which starts on Saturday! 

We have some very exciting news that we would like to share with you all…

We are in the process of migrating on to a new platform. This will mean that our workouts, runs, swim and cycle programs and videos plus will be in one place for ease of use. 

Also to join the list in what we offer is nutrition plans that will be individual to you. 

You will soon be able to book 121 PT sessions with Tee and group PT sessions with either Tee or Sally. 

You will have chat access directly to your coaches Erica, Tee and Sally via the app. So any questions or queries about your training please feel free to ask us on our platform. 

We would be so grateful if you could be so kind as to spare a few minutes to complete a questionnaire. This is to help improve our service to you and to ensure you are receiving the very best of what we have to offer. 

We will be adding you to our new system over the next weeks so please bare with us during this time. 

As always thank you for being such an important part of our community <3



In this new cycle of our weekend run we are allowing our bodies to glide into the weekend spirit with a continuous pace run broken down with short pushes. Using a mix of genres from rnb, dnb, hip hop, house, techno and even classical. Listen to the music and use it to help push you naturally into each pace.

Hot Tamale vs Lightning Bolt

In this amalgamation of our two mid week runs we see the HT and the LB join forces after week 3.
Our FTP test is back in the HT on week one. Sorry not sorry!! We will also be finding out exactly what our Goal Mile Pace is in the LB. Aye caramba!! 
In week two we will start to formulate each run and in week three you will see the marriage take place as we entwine the HT and LB together in this new limited edition hour long run.


Cycle 4 will continue to bring the good vibes and be your 'you time' run, but for the first time we will be making MPWR progressive, meaning each week will build on the last in terms of structure. Short pushes will become longer, but you will always have some leeway on the speeds . 
Alongside this, each week we will be making a pledge to ourselves. You'll have to tune in to find out what!



Get to know our amazing coaches that bring the community to life!

Sally O'Sullivan

What you coach/teach?
I'm both a run and strength and conditioning coach. The two go hand-in-hand, but so often coaches like me find that runners neglect their strength training, or believe they don't need it. But that's like building a house on quicksand; sooner or later that hard-earned progress in your favourite thing will deteriorate without proper foundations! Lecture over haha .

What you enjoy training for? 
I used to be bang into CrossFit and train up to five times a week, solely in that. These days, my body and mind respond better to structured strength training, but you'll often find my finishers have a CrossFit touch to them! I use running to detach from the week and relax. There is nothing quite the happiness and peace you feel after running - it's so unique.

What you’re passionate about? 
Bringing that sense of joy and achievement to clients through fitness, in whichever way aligns to their goals. Whether that's running, strength training or simply spending an hour moving. My only caveat is  that it has to some something you enjoy, or you simply won't stick to it!
We're all busy, but setting aside that time to invest in yourself physically and mentally, 3-5 times a week should be your non-negotiable. I want that time spent with me, whether that's online or in person, to be something you look forward to. That way, we can work towards smashing your goals together.



Newsletter 19/05/22


Newsletter 05/05/22

Force Velocity Group


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