Newsletter 28/07/22

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Welcome to this week's newsletter!

Keep reading to find out our exciting new developments coming to FORCEVELOCITYGROUP.COM

We are Force Velocity - and will always be here for our community to support your training and wellness needs! We always love to hear your feedback, and to chat to everyone about their goals and questions around training - so shoot us a message on Instagram and one of us will get back to you!

The next chapter of Force Velocity...

Over the next few weeks, we will be bringing some exciting new developments and changes to the FVR community. We have worked hard to develop our run, swim, cycle and strength programs – and have loved to bring this over audio platforms, and more recently bringing our run clubs to life. As our community grows, and we have an increasing demand for all disciplines – we have been busy behind the scenes to bring new programming into a new platform, and also bring a whole new way of training with FVR to keep you moving in different ways (individually, as a team, online and tailoring to what your training needs are).

Whilst we continue to be amazed by what our members have achieved this year so far, we are SO keen to see the benefits that come from our new platform – and continue to grow our base even wider.
We want to keep you moving, and keep you motivated – whether it is small regular bouts of training, or putting effort into larger volume sessions - our coaches are fully equipped and ready to support answering your questions, give you the extra motivation you might need, and just be a friend to have a chat with!

As we always say, listen to your body when it comes to your training, and if you feel like you are overwhelmed with how/when/what to train, then please don't hesitate to reach out and chat to us! Keep your eyes peeled for things to come, and to expand your training options and give the FVR community more structure and focus to smash out the rest of 2022.

Got any questions or queries? Shoot us a message on Instagram or email!


Workout supplements for beginners

Whilst everyone's diet and dietary needs are different, it is always good to expand and grow your knowledge on supplements that can help benefit your training and support with your recovery including pre/post workout.

There are things that we naturally produce in our system, which we can also find in our daily diet through food. Supplements should always be used as an added form to support the body. However, sometimes it can be beneficial to find additional support when the the body may be deficient or your lifestyle change slightly meaning you might be demanding more on yourself. Here’s a short list of supplements that may be useful for beginners, and as always - listen to your body and do your own research as to whether these may be suitable or needed for your lifestyle:
  • Magnesium: Magnesium is a food element that is involved in over 300 metabolic processes that occur inside the body. When our body goes through stress, it heavily relies on magnesuim and can burn through these resources very quickly. Magnesium can help with sleep and relaxation, so taking before bed is a good time to use (follow dosage recommendations)
  • Vitamin C: This is an easy one to get in our diet, but sometimes a supplement might be needed. Taking readily absorbable forms of Vitamin C is great, especially products that are very bioavailable - these are able to get into your body super quick and really helpful to get to work.
  • CoQ10: This is a great product that can assist in muscle repair, enhance physical performance and recovery and help combat age-related depletion.

As we mentioned before, listen to your body and benefit your body by eating the rainbow and trying to get your nutrients in via ingesting high quality, vitamin-dense foods, and using supplements to just top up and complement your lifestyle routine. 

Chat to our coaches - and keep an eye out for more nutrition based information coming soon!



Find this playlist to keep you running/training/cycling/swimming along, and push through that particularly hard set.
This has been put together to ride you into the weekend!



This one is a big volume session, so be sure to keep the pace up without compromising your technique. Push yourself to get through the session and to challenge yourself, try reducing the rest period between each set to just 1 minute. Happy swimming!

Warm up:
4 x 100m - 2 x Freestyle, 2 x Individual medley
2 x 100m- Freestyle Kick with or without board
4 x 50m Freestyle — descend slow to fast

3 x 100m Freestyle — descend slow to fast
2 x 50m Backstroke
3 x 100m Freestyle — one slow, two fast
2 x 50m Backstroke
3 x 100m Freestyle — all fast
2 x 50m Stroke of Choice
1 x 100m sprint all out

Cool down:
200m easy

Newsletter 05/08/22


Newsletter 21/07/22

Force Velocity Group


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