Newsletter 05/08/22

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Welcome to this week's newsletter!

Keep reading to find out our exciting new developments coming to FORCEVELOCITYGROUP.COM

We are Force Velocity - and will always be here for our community to support your training and wellness needs! We always love to hear your feedback, and to chat to everyone about their goals and questions around training - so shoot us a message on Instagram and one of us will get back to you!
We are super excited to be launching into our new era of Force Velocity. We have seen everyone loving the mix of strength, running, swimming and cycling - with loads of you participating in events, and others smashing it by incorporating it into your weekly fitness routine. Everyone has different goals and lifestyles, so we are here to cater for anyone and everyone!

So...what does this mean?

Force Velocity will now be split into 2 disciplines: 
Force Velocity Group X : This will involve live classes via Zoom, Small Group Classes, Run Clubs, Pop-Ups, Events and more! We are keen to bring the community together in a physical aspect, and to train together as one group! The energy we bring (even online!) is infectious, and we want to be able to share this energy between us all - so remember to get to a Run club (this Saturday at Queensway!) to start to meet other members an coaches and see what we are talking about!

Force Velocity: This is where we cater to our runners - whether your a distance or shorter distance runner, we will be programming for Half/Marathon/5k&10k plans, meaning you can really plan and attack your event and feel great doing it.
Swim programming - this is something we will be developing, to cater to beginners all the way to advanced swimmers, mixing it up with aerobic and anaerobic sessions too!
PT & Coaching - our coaches have been working hard to bring this to life, and to make sure we can deliver the quality sessions to our members that we have tried and tested ourselves. Keep an eye out for this!
Strength & Conditioning - developing on our current strength programming, we will continue to grow and bring the Force Velocity strength to you!
Body Transformations for individuals with specific goals or to give structure to training. This tailors in with our members that need a bit more guidance, or have wanted to aim towards something that they need just a little bit more support which you might not get yourself. 

- We will be bringing a brand new schedule to life from September 3rd, with 2 x pop-up online classes on Tuesday 16th August 7am with Sally and Friday 19th 4.30pm Friday Finisher METCON with Tee. These classes will be spicy, and push you to your reach your potential - we will be posting more about these closer to the date! Get ready...


The Rich Roll Podcast | Podcast on Spotify


This week's podcast suggestions is with with cognitive neuroscientist & former Senior Advisor in the Obama White House, Dr. Maya Shankar who speaks with Rich Roll to talk about the science behind growth & transformation.

This is a conversation about navigating change, igniting professional growth, and managing grief through the behavioral science lens of Maya’s personal experience and expertise.

Maya shares the therapeutic benefits and empowerment from sharing hardships, grief and shame with those around you, and how to make meaning out of hardships and struggles.



Let's take things back to basics this week with tempo and technique. This session is developed to master the basics, and over time - master your lifting! Smash this session, and if you have any questions, shoot one of our coaches a message!

Playlist for your workout


A) Primer

Samson Stretch 30 seconds
Downward-dog To Upward-dog 30 seconds
World's Greatest Stretch 30 seconds
Weighted Plank 30 seconds
Deadbug 30 seconds
Weighted Sorensen 8 Reps
Ski Erg 10 Calories At Controlled Pace
Repeat for 2 Rounds

B) Strict Press

10-8-6-6-6-6 Reps
Start with warm up weight for 10 reps, using tempo of 1-3 no pause at the bottom. You should be at working load for the 4x 6 reps. The 6th rep should be really challenging. Working towards 50% of bodyweight.
Chase each set with banded pull aparts x 10 reps

C) Front Squat

Start with warm up weigth for the 10 reps then progress to working weight for the 4 x 4 Reps. The 4th rep should feel really challenging. Tempo 3/1/1 drive hard with elbows on the way up from the depth of your squat.
Chase with Deadbugs 30 seconds to push into your lower back.

D) Seated Row

As we have done above, start with warm up weight and progress to working load for the 4 x 8 reps. Tempo of 1/3/3. Slow slow slowww eccentric.
Chase with tempo press ups tempo of 1/3/1

E) Prone Machine Hamstring Curls

15-12-9-9-9-9 Reps (working load on the 4 x 9 reps)
In between each set use light load dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts Tempo 3/3/1

F) Offset Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat

8 Reps with tempo of 3/3/1 (bodyweight only for week one)
Chase with weighted frog pumps x 20 Reps. These should be fast and powerful. Ouch ouch ouch.

G) Bike Or Incline Walk 5 Minutes

Always remember to incorporate a cool down - whether its dynamic stretching or a gentle walk to stretching/yoga 


Newsletter 12/08/22


Newsletter 28/07/22

Force Velocity Group


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