Newsletter 12/08/22

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Welcome to this week's newsletter!

Keep reading to find out our exciting new developments coming to FORCEVELOCITYGROUP.COM

We are Force Velocity - and will always be here for our community to support your training and wellness needs! We always love to hear your feedback, and to chat to everyone about their goals and questions around training - so shoot us a message on Instagram and one of us will get back to you!

Sunday Run clubs with Erica are back this Sunday 10:30am from Bishopsgate Station (no fee just rock up!), and Tee will be hosting a Leopard run on Saturday 10:45am at Queensway station for some sprints and skills!

Our 2 x pop-up online classes will be starting on Tuesday 16th August 7am with Sally and Friday 19th 4.30pm Friday Finisher METCON with Tee. These classes will be spicy, and push you to your reach your potential. We love working out with you all, no matter you are in the world! Starting the day strong, or finishing it with a bang - we can't wait to see everyone get involved!

RESILIENCE - 16th August with Sally
Bodybuilding, but functional! We'll be working to build strength and technique that'll support your sport. This class is the foundation of everything else you'll do with Force Velocity Group X. Think controlled time under tension and quality movement over quantity. No jumping about, but you'll still be buzzing for hours afterwards .
All you'll need are a mat's worth of space and some medium dumbbells (in the region of 8-10kgs for females, 10-12.5kgs for guys)

IGNITE - 19th August with Tee
Learn how to train with confidence, move with a strategy in place and know when to dial up the intensity whilst listening to your body. This is the ultimate Friday Finisher. End your week on a high and welcome the weekend with a mixed strength and metcon workout whilst listening to the best playlist.

CASHEW PESTO PASTA - by Deliciously Ella

In need of an easy veggie loaded dinner this week? Pesto pasta is the perfect choice! You can mix up the ingredients and add/remove things to make it your perfect dish - enjoy!

3 portions of pasta, we use brown rice pasta - or 2-3 courgettes for courgetti
100g cashews
1 ripe avocado, peeled and roughly chopped
Juice of 1 ½ lemons
25g fresh basil
4 tablespoons olive oil
3 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast
1 garlic clove, peeled
Pinch of sea salt

Place 50g of the cashews into a food processor and pulse for a few seconds, until they’re broken up. Toast them in a frying pan until they go golden brown. Once golden, leave to one side to sprinkle on top of the pasta.
Add all the rest of the ingredients, except the pasta/courgetti, in a blender and blend until smooth and creamy - adding a dash of water if needed.
Toss with your pasta/courgetti and sprinkle with the toasted cashews.


Use the heat-wave to your advantage and find your local lido and try this session out for size! If you ever feel you need some extra time to warm up, add in some dynamic stretches such as arm and leg swings to help get the blood flow going. Additionally, some air squats and pushups are a great way to stimulate your muscles before you hit the pool (especially if its a bit colder in the water!) Enjoy!

Warm up:
4 x 100m individual medley

Main set:
10 x 50m freestyle - 1 x 50m hard, 1 x 50m easy
100m easy freestyle
8 x 50m freestyle - 3 x 50m hard, 1 x 50m easy
100m easy freestyle 
6 x 50m freestyle - 2 x 50m hard, 1 x 50m easy
100 easy freestyle 
4 x 50m freestyle - 1 x 50m hard, 1 x 50m easy
100m easy freestyle
2 x 100m freestyle - descend in time 1-3 

Cool down:
200m easy

Always remember to incorporate a cool down - whether its dynamic stretching or a gentle walk to stretching/yoga 

Newsletter 05/08/22

Force Velocity Group


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