Newsletter 25/11/21

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Winter Running Kit
It's no secret that the cooler weather is well and truly here in London (and the rest of our Northern Hemisphere team), and that can mean we need to layer up appropriately when heading outside. Not only do we need to wear the right gear, but also need to be looking after our bodies to ensure the risk of injury is reduced. Be sure to give yourself an extra few minutes to stretch and move the body to warm up enough to feel comfortable and ready to run.

The perfect long sleeve top for winter running, very breathable but gives enough warmth to keep your arms covered and warm.

A great layer to add on those extra frosty mornings. This also has pockets for phones, gels, keys, etc. to save you from carrying too much.

Brushed leggings with pockets and drawstring for when it gets so cold that you need to have your legs covered and toasty.

These gloves are perfect for everyday running, they keep the hands warm and you can still use your phones without taking them off!

For the darker mornings and evenings, it's important to be visible to the outside world. The LED armbands are good to slip over your top and not get in the way of your movement.

Community Corner - Meet Margo! 

Only recently got involved with FVG thanks to Helen Woodward. We do other virtual strength training together that has a strong community so recruited me to FVG for the London to LA challenge. She spent a good amount of time explaining everything to me which was super helpful. 
My most memorable run was when I first started the London to LA challenge I tried a Scorpion run. I’m not a runner. In the past I had better knees and no lungs now I’m in much better shape, have good lungs but torn menisci, and am also 58 so am very careful of my joints. The day of the Scorpion run I just wanted to find a comfortable pace albeit slow, challenge myself on an incline or sprint, and just get comfortable with the whole thing. It was a beautiful day outside and the music was amazing. I found that great pace that I felt I could do all day. It was so peaceful and relaxing and felt like I was having an outer body experience. 
My favorite run is the Scorpion run but I also enjoy the treadmill runs. 
My fitness goal is to continue my weight training through the winter, I’d like to get a bit leaner, and to continue the running, even in the cold cause I’m really enjoying it. I’m working on doing that while keeping my knees healthy.  I also really love yoga, am working on my practice, and will be going to a yoga retreat in Ibiza next year. My yoga instructor, strength training, and now running group are all UK based and I’m in NY. I’ve just found the best quality from the UK. I am blessed with an amazing trainer in NY and a pretty awesome gym around the corner from my house but use my own home gym right now. 
When I’m not training, I’m running my business, MJK Strategies. I do strategic planning and direction for businesses and corporate wellness programs after 35 years in the engineering industry.  I’m following my passions in a semi-retirement mode. I use the term semi-retirement loosely because I work hard everyday. I have two amazing kids, Kyle 23, a civil engineer, and Janina 21, a college student who will be a school teacher and is also a group fitness instructor who keep me on my toes. They both live with me. I stay very busy with my friends and family and a special man in my life  who all mean the world to me and keeping up with my home in upstate NY (Albany the capital of NYS). I love to travel and would love someday to live on both sides of the pond.  I work with a UK based company called Pavelka Wellness and their leader Jessie Pavelka who has taught me a life philosophy of balancing the four elements of eat, sweat, think and connect, and it has been life changing for me. I try to pass that philosophy on so that everyone can work to be the best version of themselves and enjoy everyday of their life since we’re not guaranteed the next. I really try to convey to people to put themselves first so they can operate with a full cup which is how they will be able to take care of what’s important to them. 
A fun fact may be that I was a blue belt in Aikido, or that I’ve done some physical fitness photo shoots that were an absolute blast, or that I was in engineering when there were no female engineers, or that I’ll be interviewed by Jessie Pavelka in his new Life Series show.
Recipe of the Week

The perfect post-workout smoothie recipe to whip up in less than 3 minutes. Mix it up by adding extra superfoods, fruits etc, or change out ingredients as you please. This smoothie is perfect to refuel loaded with protein and healthy fats and carbohydrates, to help with recovery and keep the muscles supplemented. 

Morning Mocha Shake:
- 1 cup nut milk (almond, oat, or other milk of choice)
- 1 scoop vanilla protein (or whatever protein you have on hand)
- 1 cup ice
- 1 tsp of instant coffee
- 1 frozen banana
- 1 tsp chia seeds/flax seeds

Toss everything into a high-powered blender and blend for roughly 1 minute or until smooth. 
Top with extra chia seeds for an extra crunch.


Newsletter 01/12/21


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