Newsletter 01/12/21

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Welcome to this week's newsletter! 
We have seen some amazing things from our community this week; our LDN2LA teams have been dominating the mileage and supporting each other through the colder weather and busy time of year, we have welcome our first FVR baby (a HUGE congratulations to Alex and Gaia on their beautiful baby boy Casper - you two are incredible!), and many more achievements along the way. 
As always, if there is anything specific you would like included in future newsletters, please email us your suggestions!

Fueling for Performance
The golden hours for pre-workout nutrition are between one and four hours before exercise. fuelling correctly during this time can make a huge difference to your performance.

Our bodies prefer carbohydrates to fuel activity and if you don't have enough available, you will feel it!  You won't be able to reach the level of intensity you would do when fully fuelled, and you'll fatigue far more easily. on top of that, you risk your body breaking down muscle stores to provide glucose as fuel, meaning your hard-earned gains could start going down the pan. 

There is a misconception that eating before a workout might slow you down or derail any fitness goals you may have, but this just isn't the case. eating before a workout doesn't have to affect the overall amount or quality of what you're eating. It's just a matter of choosing well and timing your meals and snacks appropriately. 

Play around with snacks and meals that work best for you, but quick simple carbohydrates are always best. Happy fuelling!

Community Corner - Meet Valeria!

We are so excited to chat with Valeria this week and learn a little bit more about her! 

How did you first get involved with FVR?
I was running on my own as part of my training  and I was always dreading my running days as they felt like a chore to me. Helen Woodward (bless you Helen) introduced me to FVR and thanks to her recommendations and enthusiasm I joined back in 2019 and it’s been one of the best decisions ever. I never felt so good running on my own or with the crew.

What’s your most memorable running/training memory so far?
Running my fist marathon. When I think about it I still have goosebumps. I remember crossing the finish line and crying of joy. I never thought of myself as a runner. I used to dislike running and think that there was something wrong with people running for hours. Now I totally get it. The feeling of freedom, control, power is priceless.

What’s your favourite FVR run? Or workout?
I am a creature of habit. I run three/four times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday (Friday is optional). I love all the coaches and their runs. I would do wrong if I’d say I like one more than another.  I love MWPR, Tempus and Scorpion. They are all so good. They complement my strength training.

What’s your fitness goal for the rest of this hear/next year?
My goal is to run the next NYC marathon within 4 hours (OMG now that I have said it out loud I will have to keep myself accountable).

What do you do when you’re not running or at the gym?
I nap whenever I can :-) When I have a  break at work (no I am not sleeping at the desk you may thinking but I work as a PT and when I have gaps in between clients I nap) when I am commuting (I used to set alarms for my journey to and from work). I love going out with friends but I enjoy my own company as well. 

A fun fact we might not know about you?
When I was a kid I used to hide during P.E. at school or fake my mother’s signature to skip physical activity. Those days are gone :-) 
There is no day that goes by without me doing some kind of physical activity. 
I count my blessings. I move, run, lift and do things that for others are a privilege.

Nutrition tip of the week

This week's recipe is from our very own Hannah Ward - thanks for the tip Hannah! This is a recipe for a homemade Isotonic drink which is great to include as part of your pre/intra/post run routine, especially for our endurance runners, to help supplement salt balance and hydration. 
1 part water (250ml)
1 part fresh apple juice (250ml)
Pinch of Himalayan salt 

Try it out and let us know how you find it benefits your training!

Podcast of the Week

When Shalane Flanagan found out that all six World Marathon Majors would take place in less than seven weeks, she couldn’t pass up the opportunity to make history. After two reconstructive knee surgeries and a year off from running, the long-distance legend came back to show herself — and the next generation of women athletes — what’s possible when you put your mind to it. On this episode, she breaks down everything that inspired her to take on the marathon of marathons and gives us a look at the training and recovery plan that’s helped her rise to the challenge (and have fun along the way). She also opens up about her journey as an athlete and new mom, what it’s like to be one of the only women in the world of elite coaching, and how anyone can achieve their personal best.

Click here to listen


Newsletter 09/12/21


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