Newsletter 30/12/21

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Welcome to this week's newsletter! 

We hope everyone is enjoying the last week of 2021 and looking forward to the coming year. We want to use this chance to reset and refocus our goals, to make sure we are working towards the best version of ourselves and individual focused targets. Every member of our community will have the chance to go through an on-boarding process in January to tailor your training to your specific training needs. You will have the chance to chat to our coaches, so we can help to understand why you choose to train! 

Any questions or queries - don't hesitate to reach out to anyone of us!


In the new year, part of our new cycle will involve setting some fitness related goals and targets i.e. sub 25 minute 5km run, or swim a mile under a certain speed. Having these targets set is the perfect way to keep yourself accountable and adjust your training needs as you go. 

To help achieve these targets, we will be having a few time trials lined up in January to use as a bench mark measure to work with. These are no pressure sessions, they are designed to set individual paces for the coming cycle.

Time trials for January:

Saturday 8th Jan - 10km TT at Hyde Park

Saturday 15th Jan - 5km TT at Paddington Rec

Saturday 22nd Jan - Fastest mile TT at Paddington Rec

 These runs will be used to help make you feel empowered as well as disciplined, utilising the support of the community and to train in tune with your body. 

Recipe of the week

Berry Avocado Power Smootie

1/2 firm ripe avocado, peeled
125g (1 cup) frozen mixed berries
325ml (1 1/2 cups) soy milk
1 scoop protein of choice (optional)
2 tsp honey
1 tbsp LSA meal

Blend all ingredients and enjoy! Perfect hit of Omega 3's and fatty acids, packed with protein to boost recovery. 


PAYG Runs are going up to £5.99 but NRG Runs staying at the current price £4.99

Roadrunner Weekly Package staying at the current price of £14.99.

FVTeam Monthly Subscription, which includes all Runs, TrueCoach Strength & Conditioning programming and Swim programming will be £64.99 but for existing FVTeam members who wish to be on this plan the price will be £44.99 for 3 months. 

We're introducing a new monthly subscription which is exclusive to all Runs which is priced at £37.99 (existing  FVTeam members £29.99 for 3 months)

We will touch base with you all personally before transferring you to check which plan you wish to be added to.

These prices will come into effect 7th January in line with 2022 Cycle 1.
Podcast of the Week

Meet the singular, multi-talented Mel Robbins. A former lawyer turned CNN legal analyst, turned mega-bestselling author and talk show host, Mel is a powerhouse and one of the most widely booked public speakers in the world. This conversation is packed with practical, life-altering, science and experience-based wisdom you need to hear. Nobody loves making a real difference in people’s lives more than Mel. Her energy is infectious. Her authenticity and earnestness is palpable. This is a really interesting listen for anyone wanting to learn more about the power of confidence and making it a habit.

Click here to listen

Newsletter 06/01/22


Newsletter 23/12/21

Force Velocity Group


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