Newsletter 06/01/22

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Welcome to the first newsletter of 2022! 

Happy New Year to our amazing community, we are so excited to get this year running (literally)! We have some exciting changes to our programs, and including a new way to programming to help you reach your specific targets and needs in your training. You would have received an on-boarding email this week with a few questions to help us get to know you a bit better, which will help us to tailor your sessions a bit more. 

Any questions or queries - don't hesitate to reach out to anyone of us!


We always go on about making goals, and setting targets - but why is it so important? By having a specific direction for your training, it allows us to focus and ensure balance throughout your routine. For example: if you want to improve your 10k run time, it is important to have not just a solid running program in place - but also to have a strength and stretch training sessions included so your body can be working at its prime for each run and therefore getting you closer to your goals. 
Without having this direction, it can mean that you may start to lose focus or over-train and can ultimately lead to a loss of motivation. Goal setting helps to keep us disciplined in our training, whilst also allowing us to feel strong and empowered by achieving targets along the way. 

Our coaches have shared what some of their goals are for this year below, feel free to share your goals with the community as well!

" Working on a sub 90 min Sprint Triathlon and focus on my Olympic lifts "

" I’ve been working on my gymnastics and calisthenics, so I’m aiming for my first bar muscle up and a 30s freestanding handstand hold in 2022.
Running-wise, we’re currently on the search for races that hold both mega-distances for Paul and either a half or full marathon for me, somewhere beautiful in the world. I don’t have a time goal for this at present (although I will set one nearer the time), but want to complete the race injury-free, after going over on an old ankle sprain earlier this month. "

" Running wise I’m looking to have a more of a running routine/ schedule and get my marathon & half marathon time down!! Did a 3:40 marathon breezy and half marathon has been stuck at 1:45 for a while now so let’s see what 2022 brings… also going to work on my triathlon training, more swimming and consistency on the bike (when I get a new one!)
Another skill I really want to pick up in 2022 is skipping, random I know but I always see boxers skipping and I think it looks beautiful and it’s so portable you can take a skipping rope anywhere for a killer cardio session "

Recipe of the week

Protein Banana Pancakes

40 g vanilla protein powder
1 large very ripe banana (mashed)
pinch of cinnamon (to your taste)
1/4 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
2 large eggs

Mix dry ingridients together, then in a separate bowl, mix eggs and mashed banana together. 
Mix banana mixture and dry ingredients together.
Heat a pan over low heat. Scoop 1/4 c. of the mixture onto the skillet and cook for 60-90 seconds on each side.


Our coaches have given a quick run down of each run with this new cycle. Feel free to drop us a message if you want further details!

MPWR Run focus:
This cycle of MPWR has a big focus on staying accountable. Each run will have everything you expect from MPWR - fun, variety, good vibes and a banging soundtrack. As we run, we'll use this time to plan attainable, sustainable habits in our everyday lives and do the things we need to each week to stay accountable. Moving meditation at its best.

Leopard Run focus:
Expect fire from the Leopard in this cycle! As tomorrow (7th Jan) is a standalone pre-cycle Leopard, we will be incorporating the Cooper test (12 mins max distance), which we will retest after the cycle has finished. From next week, you'll find the structure been refreshed. We'll be running set distances on a rolling clock with your bodyweight work happening at different times. Stay consistent and watch your progression fly

Scorpion Cycle 1.0 focus:
Tapered Fartlek running. 
Fun intervals of high speed mixed with slow pace running to build speed and endurance this 45 minute continuous run. This run is always on a Saturday so expect a weekend energy and disco vibes to carry you through till brunch. Weeks 1-3 we nail the basics before we oops upside and flip the ratio to increase the heat!

Lightning Bolt Cycle 1.0 focus:
Various continuous speed intervals lasting 1-3 minutes with walking or light jogging recoveries. We play around with our float and race paces to high energy dance music with a switch up breakdown of rap or pop in between the intervals. This is perfect for beginner runners or for those coming back after time off. 

Hot Tamale Cycle 1.0 focus:
Threshold running. We’re nailing the basics in this cycle and focusing on connecting our body to the pace. That beautiful in-between where aerobic meets anaerobic to get the big juice pot that is your engine simmering away nicely. Expect high energy dnb, trap or techno to buzz your way through this spicy mamasita.

Tempus Run focus:
This Cycle of the tempus we’re truly going back to basics!! New year, new goals, so we’re starting from scratch. Each week we will focus on the main components on a tempo style running workout starting with shorter intervals and as the weeks process so will we… this cycle is great for anyone who’s toying with the idea of endurance and for those who already are endurance runners but like me we’re getting lazy with technic. Remember on Wednesdays we RUN!!!!

SOLIS60 Run focus:
SOLIS60 like every week we just pull it back from the high intensity and run. Slow and steady wins the race as they say. It’s a dreamy 60 minutes of my chaotic music taste and awkward banter… Except all your hard work to pay of as you go the distance, with your fave running buddy :)

NRG runs focus:
Hot Tamale is threshold (75-80% on speeds) mid range speeds, blocks of 3-5 minutes with walking/jogging recoveries
Lightning Bolt speed intervals 1-3 minute blocks (75-95%) - this run is the chance to give a good sprint
Scorpion is continuous Fartlek 1:1 or 1:2 ratio, faster running with slowing running (65-90%).
Podcast of the Week
This week's podcast recommendation is all about fueling your daily routine and the power of nutrition for your individual bodies. 

Dr. Stacy T. Sims is one of the brightest minds in science and nutrition in the endurance sports world and beyond. Stacy T. Sims, Ph.D. is an applied researcher, innovator, and entrepreneur in human performance, specifically sex differences in training, nutrition, and environmental conditions.
Her contributions to the international research environment and the sports nutrition industry has established a new niche in sports nutrition; and established her reputation as the expert in sex differences in training, nutrition, and health.

This podcast explores nutrition for endurance sports training from fueling day to day and racing, plus the power of hormones; nutrition that can disrupt your gut, and how to find the right macronutrient balance for your body. This eye-opening conversation is full of great insight and advice so get ready. Stacy also shares her favorite workouts and training sessions currently fueling her success. This is  really interesting listen!

Click here to listen

Newsletter 13/01/22


Newsletter 30/12/21

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