Newsletter 03/03/22

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Welcome to this week's newsletter!

LEOPARD RUN UPDATE - Remember our Leopard run is live with Sally tomorrow (Friday) at 1pm - lunch time crew we are ready for you!

INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY - To show our love and appreciation for the women of FVR - we are giving 1-month membership free to new members to celebrate International Women's Day on Tuesday 8th March via our website. If you want any more details, shoot one of our coaches a message!

Any questions or queries - don't hesitate to reach out to anyone of us!

We are so excited to crack into this month, with the team working hard to bring our ideas to life. We are excited to announce we will be launching our Live Run Clubs again, as well as a brand new class that we will be hosting at One LDN. New challenge is coming your way too!

Live Run Club - SUNDAY SOLIS60 with Erica

We cannot wait to be bringing the IRL vibes back to the community with Erica's run club starting on Sunday March 27th. Erica will be hosting this run every second Sunday, with a coffee and chat to finish off! Details about location will come soon, but we would love to hear what distances you would be aiming towards and if you have specific goals you would like to achieve with this group run. We are super excited to get everyone together again as a team!

One LDN Force Velocity Class with Sally

We have been working behind the scenes to bring this class to you, combining our audio runs and live runs to one place. Further details will be coming shortly - so keep an eye out! This will be the group exercise experience we know and love and will bring the Force Velocity energy to the room. Ready to feel Sally's electric energy in real life!

April MPWR Challenge

This challenge will be all-encompassing and will be working individually or as a team of 2 - this will be 21 runs in 30 days, or 42 runs if working with a buddy. So let's use this challenge to empower yourself to achieve this goal, and to feel the freedom of running!


Sleep is medicine, just like food is medicine, and may even be more important than diet. Sleep regulates your brain function, helps stabilize your mood, and is a time when the body heals. It’s absolutely critical for a healthy body. Sadly, over 70 million Americans don’t sleep well. This lack of sleep is degrading our health. We feel it in our energy level, it’s hard to focus, and it can even contribute to chronic illness.

This episode is all about sleep and why it’s essential for a healthy body. They discuss why sleep is so important, how we can get better sleep including tips to create your own sleep ritual.



Need an idea for a full-body workout to hit next time you are at the gym? Give this us a try - and remember to listen to your body and increase/decrease weights as you feel necessary!

A) Dumbbell Single Leg Hip Thrust
Focus on slow eccentric lowering
8 Reps each side
3 Rounds

B) Back Squat
3/3/1 Tempo (3 sec lowering, 3 sec holding, 1 sec rise)
10 Reps
3 Rounds

C) Lat Pull Down
1/3/3 Tempo
10 Reps
3 Rounds

D) Sumo Deadlift
15 Reps
3 Rounds

E) Frog Pumps
Pause at the top
30 Reps
3 Rounds


We are so excited to chat with community member Hannah this week! Keep reading to get to know her a bit more and all about her and fitness/running history!

How did you first get involved with FVR?
I knew Tee from Barry’s and followed her on Instagram. So, way back when all the gyms shut at the start of C*VID, I saw the FVR live runs and after that first one the rest is history! 

What’s your most memorable running/training memory so far?
I had never run outdoors pre lockdown (I was a strictly Barry’s/indoor gym only type…) so I’d say running in the snow in the London to Ibiza challenge is up there with my most memorable! I HATE being cold and I honestly think had it not been for that challenge I might not have left my flat during that time so I owe FVR a lot :-) 

What’s your favourite FVR run? Or workout?
For ages I would have said the Tempus as I like the endurance style but recently have been enjoying pushing myself a bit more with the hot tamale - currently I can’t pick between the two! 

What’s your fitness goal for the rest of this year?
To get more comfortable with pushing my speeds but also to listen to my body so I’m able to be running all year & don’t get injured! 

What do you do when you’re not running or at the gym?
I work in Pharmaceutical marketing and that keeps me busy during the week (and occasionally at the weekend too 🥴)! Outside of work I love going to the theatre (particularly to watch musicals) and eating out/trying new restaurant openings in London (especially places w a good dessert menu!) Also this year I’m hoping to make up for the past two years with more travel in Europe. 

A fun fact we might not know about you?
Not sure how ‘fun’ this is, but something that people seem to be surprised by is that I support Manchester United (I’m originally from Manchester) & I enjoy watching football in general & do premier league fantasy football too!

Newsletter 10/03/22


Newsletter 24/02/22

Force Velocity Group


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