Newsletter 24/02/22

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Welcome to this week's newsletter!

Cycle 2.0 is here! Our coaches have been cooking up some exciting new programming for each run which involves a fresh new focus. Read below to understand each run a bit more! 

LEOPARD RUN UPDATE - We love our Friday morning Leopard crew, however we know that not everyone can make this time slot! Sally has proposed we move the Leopard run to a lunchtime slot at 1pm Friday - we would want to move this on the timetable next week, but want to hear your opinions first so let us know what you think!

Want to bring a friend and get a little treat for yourself? If you refer a friend to FVR this month, your friend will get their first month half price and you will get 10% off your subscription for the amount of time your friend is subscribed! If you want any more details, shoot one of our coaches a message.

Any questions or queries - don't hesitate to reach out to anyone of us!

MPWR 2.0: "Renaissance"
From getting back in touch with your true self, to reframing insecurities, each week of MPWR 2.0 has a different theme with one common aim: that you use this run to gain life learnings from the person who knows you best; you.
As the cycle progresses, MPWR will help you embrace the things you might seek to change or hide, turning them into strengths, confidence and a boost in self-esteem.

Leopard 2.0
This cycle takes on three programming classics to give you a running workout that will test your speed, stamina, and grit. Combining max distance runs with AMRAPs, in a ladder formation, this is one for the boldest among you who are up for challenge, change, and the odd surprise!

Hot Tamale 2.0
We have an descending ascending ladder of using our threshold pace + surges in speed. The challenge is to know your running and to only push as hard as you can being able to pull back to threshold. 

Lightning Bolt 2.0
Lightning Bolt is all about the high energy rush that you get through speed work. 
3 minute rounds interlaced between two minute max distance challenges. Push yourself to all new highs!

Tempus 2.0
It’s all about the track… track workouts that are designed to build explosive power and endurance. The rests given are there to allow you to push to the absolute max every round whether that’s 8x200s or 2x1500s each rounds push needs to be as good as the first. This is where we build speed to complement the distance we built in cycle 1 

Solis60 2.0
Easy, Breezy beautiful… that what the solis60 is. The only thing you’ll worry about on this run is what you’re going to have for breakfast when it’s done. 
Just me and you out on our Sunday slow run chatting up a storm… pulling back from the intensity of the week just gone


Since the day Joe Holder stepped on the scene, his innovative training strategies have attracted everyone from executives to supermodels. But this Nike Trainer didn’t become one of the most influential figures in the industry by having a star-studded book of clients. He did it by challenging the rules and continuously working to make fitness more approachable and inclusive. On this episode, Joe explains how his famous philosophy, the Ocho System, enables us take care of ourselves so that we’re better equipped to help others. He tells us why being part of the “Plant-Based Gang” is anything but restrictive, and why exercise snacks can help movement fit on anyone’s plate. He also gets candid about his qualms with the fitness world and lays out a simple mindset shift that can help us reach our goals. Joe’s concepts show that the barriers to health and fitness aren’t so hard to knock down, and that by choosing to better ourselves, we can inspire others to do so too.



Heading to the pool this week? This session we focus on building on our endurance and cardiovascular fitness. At the same time, keeping an eye on our pace and speed of recovery between sets. Need to scale it back a bit? No problems! Take some extra rest after each set, or reduce the number of sets. And if you are feeling stronger - feel free to reduce your rest time in order to work your system a little harder. Enjoy!

3 x 100m freestyle (1. Swim, 2. Kick, 3. Pull)
4 x 50m freestyle (25m swim, 25m kick)
4 x 50m breathing every 3,5,7,9 strokes - if breathing every 9 is too much, just go to 7.
2 x 100m individual medley
MAIN SET - 100m set:
4 x 100m intervals - easy pace 30% effort3 x 100m intervals - moderate pace 50% effort2 x 100m intervals - fast pace 70% effort1 x 100m intervals at maximum pace 90% effort
Rest 15-30 seconds between intervals
1 minute rest between each set

100-300m easy freestyle

We are so excited to chat with community member Melissa this week! Keep reading to get to know her a bit more and all about her and fitness/running history!

How did you first get involved with FVR?
I am very proud to say that I am a Team Bolt OG! I had been a regular at Tee’s classes pre-Covid and loved her programming. At the beginning of the pandemic I saw Tee’s post about looking for volunteers to test out a virtual running club and I thought, “Well… what the worst that could happen?”. It turned out to be a great decision, not only did it help keep me healthy and sane during the pandemic but also allowed me to connect with an amazing community!

What’s your most memorable running/training memory so far?
Some of my favourite memories have got to be the in-person runs at Hyde Park. The first one ever was very exciting! Finally meeting in person and putting faces to names was wonderful. On a more personal note, the first time I ran over 10k without walking was also great, I noticed clearly how much my form and endurance were improving and it was really encouraging.

What’s your favourite FVR run? Or workout?
My relationship with the Hot Tamale has been a total rollercoaster. I used to dread it! I love spiriting and can do endurance but the in-between kills me. It really is the dentist of runs… and I am shocked to say that it might be my favourite now. It is where I notice improvement and that is very rewarding. But I love them all!

What’s your fitness goal for the rest of this year/next year?
I really want to run a half marathon, hopefully I can find one that fits my schedule soon and start training. Aside from that I’d like to work towards 5 un-banded pull-ups…

What do you do when you’re not running or at the gym?
When I’m not at the gym I’m probably at the park, reading or watching Bravo reality TV ;) I used to travel a lot for work/pleasure before the pandemic and fortunately that’s coming back. I work at a Colombian impact investment fund, which invests in sustainable projects, initiatives, and companies that have a positive effect on the environment and society.

A fun fact we might not know about you?
Have you been to Tee’s Saturday 12:30 West class and have you seen the adorable goldendoodle that greets everyone by the door? She’s mine (and fellow FVR member Isabel’s)! Her name is Rabbit and she loves all the attention she can get. 


Newsletter 03/03/22


Newsletter 17/02/22

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