Newsletter 18/03/22

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Welcome to this week's newsletter!

We hope everyone is having a great week. Whether you are training, running, cycling, or swimming - we have loved to see you all out there moving.

We are excited to see your faces in our first studio class at OneLDN starting in April - more info to come! But for now, just get excited to be tackling some sprints with Sally coaching you along the way!

Any questions or queries - don't hesitate to reach out to anyone of us!

Sleep doesn’t usually come to mind when people think about fitness. But after Jeffrey Durmer, MD, PhD, noticed the lack of sleep support when he was an elite athlete, and again when his daughters were national-level swimmers, he decided to take the research into his own hands. Now, as a neurologist, systems neuroscientist and sleep-medicine physician, Dr. Durmer is that support for today’s top athletes. Through his work with the NFL and the USA Weightlifting team for the 2021 Tokyo games, he’s shown how simple tactics like sleep banking can make a serious impact on performance. But above all, he’s shown that sleep is recovery, and no training routine is complete without enough of it. On this episode, he gets specific about why sleep is essential to our physical and psychological health, tells us how to know whether we’re really getting as much as we need and sets us all up for a more alert tomorrow.



Follow along with this strength full-body workout which is a sample from our Online Strength Programming sessions sent daily to your inbox. Want to join up? Drop one of our coaches a message or jump onto our website here!

A) Warm Up Stretch

Primer (light load, move with purpose)
40, 30, 20 secs of the following…

Renegade Row
Tall plank Dumbbell Transfer from right hip to left hip
Hang Clean To Press

B) 12 Minute EMOM

Minute 1 : Press Ups 6 Reps, Sumo Deadlift 6 Reps Front Squat 6 Reps (time left use to recover)
Minute 2 : Gorilla Row 10 Reps (time left use to recover and transition)
Minute 3 : Floor Press 15 Reps

C) 10 Minute AMRAP

7 calorie ski erg or erg of choice
9 DB hang Snatch each arm
11 overhead walking lunges
13 lateral box jumps
Rest 3 minutes

D) 10 Minute AMRAP

Go for it here.
15 American swings
12 Air Squats
9 V ups
6 Burpee Tuck Jumps


Not all of us are natural-born swimmers, but if you have been wanting to mix up your workout routine and some variety to work different muscles in your body - swimming is a great go-to option. Why? Have a read below!
  1. Reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Whatever in life is stressing you out, swimming regularly can lower stress levels, reduce anxiety and depression, and improve your sleep patterns. Feeling the mental health benefits takes just a light effort swim, so even if you're not in the mood to raise your heart rate you will still feel the benefits. 
  2. Energy burner. Swimming is an incredibly effective way of burning energy/calories. It can be as effective as a power-walk or run especially when working at high heart rates.
  3. General health. Just 30 minutes of swimming three times a week as part of a healthy lifestyle is one of the best ways to stay fit and healthy and maintain positive mental health.
  4. Low resistance exercise. Supports the body as Water supports up to 90 per cent of the body’s weight. So if you sprained an ankle at Monday night football or have a long term injury or illness, swimming is a brilliant way to stay active.
  5. Boosts energy levels. Any exercise is great for your energy levels, but just a few swim sessions a week can boost your energy levels through increased metabolic rate.
  6.  Full body workout. Swimming is great as it uses all the muscles in the body so whether you swim breastroke or butterfly, you will get a full body workout. Plus, exercising in water makes your body work harder so 30 minutes in a pool is worth 45 minutes of the same activity on land.


We are so excited to chat with community member Mark this week! Keep reading to get to know him a bit more and all about his and fitness/running history!

How did you first get involved with FVR?
Jess (Latowicki, also part of the group) told me about FVR during lockdown. She was the one who first introduced me to Barry’s as she knew that I am wired in such a way that an OTT workout would appeal (excellent lighting and big tunes, a winning combo). When I heard that Tee was doing something that replicated aspects of a live workouts during lockdown, I signed up immediately. Then the rest is history!
What’s your most memorable running/training memory so far?
I knew that I was invested in FVR when I was feeling overwhelmed by the lockdown experience in early 2021. I remember one particularly grey morning when I still managed to pull on my running shoes and head on out into the snow. It was just me on Hackney Marshes and with every step my mood lifted. I’ve had plenty of other moments like it since and I fully thank running for providing an outlet. It’s a great way for me to process my thoughts, giving me clarity on how I am feeling about something.
What’s your favourite FVR run? Or workout?
Such a tough question because all the coaches are amazing. I do love a long Sunday Solis60 and will continue to push for more ABBA and Kylie without shame. Also on a weekend I enjoy the Saturday Scorpion, which at the moment is set to old school dance music. During the week, I tend to alternate between the Hot Tamale and Lightning Bolt, for a bit of spice.
What’s your fitness goal for the rest of this year/next year?
Mid 2020 I did a week long walk, The Tour du Mont Blanc, and I met a man called Julian in his 70s along the way. He had spent years seeing the world by going to different cities and running their marathons. He told me to consider doing the same. I am not a multi marathon runner just yet, but I have signed up for the Hackney Half in May and another 20k run in Italy in June, called the Chianti Classico Marathon. If I get a spot on the Great North Run I will do that in September as I am from the North East, but next year will be when I attempt my first marathon.  
What do you do when you’re not running or at the gym?
Work, mainly. I am in theatre and (mostly) like what I do, but I’ve made a pact with myself to strike a better balance as I head into my mid-thirties. I also love: walking (big long ones, ideally near a body of water, in amazing places, with pals and booze at the end of the day), yoga (got into all sorts of inversions like pincha and handstands during lockdown), music (I get through around seven new albums a week, particularly contemporary RnB), cooking (a late bloomer on this front) and spending time with pals.  
A fun fact we might not know about you?
I used to play water polo! I used to swim and when I was at Uni I wanted to do something in a team, so it seemed like a good sport to try at the time. I played for the second team and lasted almost two years before theatre, finals and the early morning alarms got in the way.


Newsletter 24/03/22


Newsletter 10/03/22

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