Newsletter 13/01/22

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Welcome to this week's newsletter!

We hope everyone has kicked off the year in a positive way, and have continued to work towards the goals and targets they set. It is always a little trickier to get back into routine after some time off, so don't be too hard on yourself if its taken a little longer than you thought to regain your fitness! We are here to help ease you back in and work as a team to keep chatting and supporting each other to reach our targets (both on and off the track). 

Any questions or queries - don't hesitate to reach out to anyone of us!


We have been trialing our swim, cycle, run programming for a few months now, and we are super excited that some of our community have shown interest in taking part in a triathlon this year! Our very own head coach, Tee, has competed in a number of triathlons now and is extremely passionate about getting a team together to train as one unit. Even if you are not looking to compete, the elements of a triathlon are very beneficial to train in and to improve your overall fitness and endurance capacity. Having an event booked in is a great goal to work towards, and can give a specific focus to your training program. 
Here is a sprint triathlon that may be perfect to trial as your first event!

Eton Sprints Weekend

Want more advice about training for a triathlon? Any of our coaches would be happy to discuss more and help guide you on the best training practices for you!

Workout of the week
Want a swim session to add into the mix this week? Try this program to help strengthening your upper body, improve your lung capacity and cardiovascular endurance, whilst also taking the strain off your joints. 

Warm up:
2 x 200m freestyle
Main set
8 x 100m (50m build to 80%, 50m easy), mixing strokes 
300m - 100m kick, 100m pull, 100m kick
200m - individual medley at 60-70% 
100m - build pace each 25m to 80%
4 x 50m - 50m race sprint >80%, 50m easy
Cool down:
2 x 100m easy freestyle


We are so excited to chat with superstar community member Prakash this week, who has been an integral member of Force Velocity since day 1! Keep reading to get to know Prakash a bit more.

How did you first get involved with FVR?
I love running because of the physical challenge it brings for me personally (little limbs) and the mental strength I need to keep going during harder moments. I have also always had ultimate reverence for Tee as a trainer given her programming, dedication to people’s wellbeing and holistic approach. Therefore when she was looking for a group of runners, during the first lockdown, I signed up (taking it back to Team Bolt and Team Kipchoge). I responded immediately to the post hoping I’d get a place as I knew they’d be limited. I have never looked back since and genuinely couldn’t imagine a training week without the Force Velocity Group (FVG).
It has without doubt helped my speed and endurance, provided me with mental benefits and established a community where we celebrate every success.

What’s your favourite FVR run? Or workout?
All of the runs offer something different and I respect the different coaching styles of Tee, Sally, Erica and Kathrine.
However, I have always maintained my favourite is the Scorpion (endurance queen); I particularly like the surprise that comes with each cycle (aka the sting).
I also religiously complete the Hot Tamale (generally with simultaneous emotions of love and hate, ha!) It has most definitely improved my running overall including my threshold pace and time spent at it. I couldn’t recommend it more highly. 
I do very much miss the home workouts (remember those 8am crew…) and replay them regularly from the gym. They’re a full hour of smart and sustainable training and if I am feeling particularly sadistic I repeat a Friday Finisher or a Saturday Throwdown. 

What’s your most memorable running/training memory so far?
This is a pertinent question given the consultation forms we have all been filling in recently. Prior to FVG I have never really monitored my pace or progress. Therefore during Team Bolt with more targeted running and strength training, when my 10k time came down considerably, I felt a sense of both achievement and enlightenment. It also felt really, really special to see the camaraderie and genuine support within the group. This has continued in the FVG.
I did also love seeing the crew on the live home training sessions.

What’s your fitness goal for the rest of this year/next year?
The focus for me is consistency and gradual improvement in my running, cycling and swimming. I am also focussing on strength incorporating functional fitness and basic (emphasis here) oly lifting. If you see me snatch a bar you’ll understand the latter is a WIP – I thought that Tee may fall off her treadmill once at Gymbox when she caught a glimpse of this. I really respect the FVG ethos of training sustainably so we can move forever. Therefore my aim is to do this over mixed modals as best as I can.

What do you do when you’re not running or at the gym?
I am a bit of a geek at heart so usually working, reading a legal update or watching some high-brow Netflix (eg. selling sunset, YOU etc.). I often also set myself mini-challenges to keep me occupied, like attending piano school and before that attending a cooking school established by good old Prue. I have learnt I am tone-deaf and really good at the burning function on my grill.

A fun fact we might not know about you?
I have no co-ordination skills in case we go on a FVG road trip - I took multiple driving tests (as they say eighth time lucky) and have ruined multiple Essex lawns with my parking attempts. In the same vein I have no sense of danger and when I lived in Australia I thought a shark siren was a call for happy hour on Bondi beach.

Podcast of the Week
This week's podcast recommendation is all about the power of the breath and how it can impact your physical performance.   
This episode is chatting with Dr. Jack Feldman, Distinguished Professor of Neurobiology at University of California, Los Angeles and a pioneering world expert in the science of respiration (breathing). The podcast discusses how and why humans breathe the way we do, the function of the diaphragm and how it serves to increase oxygenation of the brain and body. They also discuss how breathing influences mental state, fear, memory, reaction time, as well as specific breathing protocols such as box-breathing, cyclic hyperventilation (similar to Wim Hof breathing), nasal versus mouth breathing, unilateral breathing, and how these each effect the brain and body. There is so much information about the power of breathing in this episode and how it impacts your performance.

Click here to listen

Newsletter 20/01/22


Newsletter 06/01/22

Force Velocity Group


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