Newsletter 20/01/22

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Welcome to this week's newsletter!

We are now into week 2 of our new cycle, and we have been working hard to program each session to build upon previous weeks. We program to help you feel success after each session, as well as feeling the burn and raise your heart rate to progress your endurance capacity. Swim, cycle, train, run - each workout will be specialised to cater for your needs and, as always, if you need to scale it back or change something up - listen to your body and work to your abilities.

Any questions or queries - don't hesitate to reach out to anyone of us!

Why run at threshold?

Most of us have at least heard of the phrase 'threshold running', and some of us are very familiar with the strong but tough pace. But what is it, and why should we do it? 

Your lactate threshold is the level at which the intensity of exercise causes lactate to accumulate in the blood at a faster rate than it can be removed. It's the boundary between low and high intensity work and the best indicator of running fitness and endurance performance. 

The aim for training at this pace is for your heart rate to remain lower in a strong run, so over time, you can sustain a fast pace for longer. 

Including 1-2 threshold runs per week in your training will help you push your lactate threshold higher and make you a more efficient runner. 

So yes, it's the 'dentist of runs' to quote Tee, but don't neglect it. It's absolutely necessary if you want to become a better runner!


Workout of the week
Force Velocity Revolution (Cycle) Workout

Push at RPE 9 and focus on fighting the lactate burn, keeping the revolution smooth


30 seconds of active recovery at RPE 6 in between each working interval. Recovery should feel like a deceleration not a complete pull back. 

Active rest of 2 minutes at RPE 4/5 

Repeat x 3/4

Let us know how you go - we’ve got more where this came from!


We are so excited to chat with community member Ed this week, who is a seriously speedy runner and can clock some serious distance! Keep reading to get to know Ed a bit more.

How did you first get involved with FVR?
I tried for many years to find the right way to exercise - running has been part of my routine for many years but never found something able to inspire me. 
Back in the days, I used to go out and party a lot and my neighbour friend persuaded me to try Barry’s on an early Sunday morning saying that it was going to change my approach to workout and fitness - he was totally right! In hungover after 3 hours sleep, I went to Connor’s class (my first Barry’s ever) and it blew my mind! 
Super excited about the experience, I decided to buy a package of classes and I randomly picked the next trainer - and guess what, that trainer was TEE <3 !
Since then, I started to attend almost all her classes and when she started to promote her Scoprion runs on Instagram I said, why not!

What’s your most memorable running/training memory so far?
I have to admit (and it sounds a bit cheesy) but the best training memory has been during the Fly to the Beat challenge - lockdown days, empty streets, fresh runs every day after an hour of Barry’s from Home - I lost 12 kg, and gained a great community of athletes passioned about running and fitness. It kept me company and gave me daily motivation to stay positive despite the uncertainties of the times. 

What’s your favourite FVR run? Or workout?
I have 2 favourite runs - Scoprion, love everything about this run, the training, the weekly challenge, the music and even its name! I haven’t been able to join live runs lately but even offline remains always the best!
Hot Tamale is a fun and tricky run but it’s special - challenging and very focused on improving techniques. I never miss it!

What’s your fitness goal for the rest of this tear/next year?
I am now trying to combine HIIT together with traditional strength training to increase mass. I gained a lot of confidence in training and I think my body would appreciate a bit of relief from daily HIIT. There will be always space for my runs and I would like to challenge myself with longer runs. 

What do you do when you’re not running or at the gym?
I am a Studio Executive at MGM Studios, overseeing international distribution and looking for new movies - Films have always been an important part of my life and going to the Cinema still remains one of my favorite activity. I love traveling, socialising and go out in the city - I moved to London 10 years ago and I am still amazed about how much this city can really offer. 

A fun fact we might not know about you?
My favorite TV show is Friend - probably seen it 10 times and still on my watchlist. Keeps me company and always a good laugh.
Podcast of the Week
This week's podcast recommendation is all about the the science of fat loss, including how fat is mobilized and oxidized (burned) and how to increase fat burning by leveraging the nervous system. Most people don't realize it, but our neurons connect to our fat and release epinephrine/adrenaline to facilitate fat oxidation. The podcast explains how this can be accomplished with non-exercise movements such as fidgeting to burn thousands of calories of fat a day-- a practice is rarely discussed but very well supported by the science literature. Also discussed is optimal fat loss protocol using cold to create shiver, and how specific types and timing of exercise impact fat loss. Huberman also discusses if fasted exercise indeed increases fat oxidation-- it turns out the type and duration of exercise really matters. The episode includes a lot of tools, links to cost-free resources and explanation of the science underlying each tool for fat loss.

Click here to listen

Newsletter 27/01/22


Newsletter 13/01/22

Force Velocity Group


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