Newsletter 27/01/22

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Welcome to this week's newsletter!

We hope everyone is keeping healthy and has had a great start to the year. We have been blown away by the strength of our community and hearing the progress everyone has achieved over this cycle already! We would love to continue to hear about any events that you are working towards, or specific training targets that you want to share with the team - we want to shout out all those incredible milestones and wins!

Any questions or queries - don't hesitate to reach out to anyone of us!

How should we fuel our bodies for training?

It depends how much time you have before the workout or event, how long you’ll be training for and how intense it’ll be.
When you eat carbohydrates, your body breaks them down into smaller units of sugar which are then absorbed into the bloodstream and carried to where they’re needed. (Not just for exercise – for all of your vital functions, including your brain!).
Simple carbohydrates provide a rapid boost of fuel and complex carbohydrates are broken down more slowly to provide a lasting source of energy. In general, the longer and more intense the training, the more carbohydrates you’ll need. And although it’s common sense, the closer you are to training, the smaller your portions should be.

As a guideline:

- If you have three-four hours before training, then a balanced meal containing all of the macronutrients (carbs, fat and protein) is great. Aim to include complex carbohydrates here, like brown rice, oats and starchy veg.

- If you have one-two hours before training, a light snack with more simple carbohydrates and protein is recommended, so the muscles are primed for recovery. A ripe banana with Greek yoghurt and perhaps a dash of nut butter works well (the starch in bananas turns to simple sugars as they ripen).

- if you only have 30 minutes to an hour, then a simple carb snack like a cereal bar helps.

Happy fuelling!

Workout of the week
Load up on this volume workout to smash your next session. This is a sample from our strength training program delivered to your inbox every day - to join our FV Training membership click here!

A) Warm Up Stretch
Primer (light load, move with purpose)
40, 30, 20 secs of the following…
Renegade Row
Tall plank Dumbbell Transfer from right hip to left hip
Get ups
Hang Clean To Press

B) 12 Minute EMOM
Minute 1 : Press Ups 5 Reps, Sumo Deadlift 5 Reps Front Squat 5 Reps (time left use to recover)
Minute 2 : Gorilla Row 10 Reps (time left use to recover and transition)
Minute 3 : Floor Press 15 Reps

C) 10 Minute AMRAP
6 calorie ski erg or erg of choice
9 DB hang Snatch each arm
12 overhead walking lunges
15 lateral box jumps

Rest 3 minutes

D) 12 Minute AMRAP
17 American swings
14 Air Squats
11 V ups
8 Burpee Tuck Jumps



We are so excited to chat with community member Christina this week, who is training for a half marathon at the moment! Keep reading to get to know Christina a bit more.

How did you first get involved with FVR?
I have been a Barry's regular pre-Covid (but had never been to any of Tee's classes because my go to studios have been Central and East). I missed the running part of Barry's terribly...until one day, I found out about FVR on one of the other Barry's trainer's Instagram, joined Team Kipchoge and haven't looked back. 

What’s your most memorable running/training memory so far?
Running my first 10k race in Berlin in October 2015 - running with my best friend, in a city that meant a lot to me past all the landmarks...and I am really looking forward to making similar memories in London this year!

What’s your favourite FVR run? Or workout?
This is the hardest question! All the runs have their place in my training and the energy is always great, but I think I love the MPWR and Tempus most, because starting the day live with others who also dragged themselves out of bed always makes me feel great. Shout outs to the 7.15 crew <3

What’s your fitness goal for the rest of this year?
I am well on track with my training for Hackney Half, so am currently wondering about taking on an even longer distance later in the year...

What do you do when you’re not running or at the gym?
Until recently the answer would have been work work work. I have my own business and with not much else to do over the last two years that is where all my time and energy went. But over the last six months I have realized that this is not the way I want to spend the rest of my life so I have set more and more boundaries and now enjoy travelling, painting, eating and hikes and little adventures in and around London. 

A fun fact we might not know about you?
I am actually a trained yoga teacher. I never felt called to teach in a structured environment, but I love practicing by myself and with others. 

Podcast of the Week
Matthew Walker is Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, and Founder and Director of the Center for Human Sleep Science. This podcast details some really interesting notes about the importance of sleep and how it effects your performance - we all need a little more sleep in our life!

Click here to listen

Newsletter 03/02/22


Newsletter 20/01/22

Force Velocity Group


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