Newsletter 03/02/22

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Welcome to this week's newsletter!

We are already in February! We have some super exciting things lined up in the coming months that we cant wait to announce! Our coaches have been working hard to bring you the best programming, and we have loved to see everyone being so attentive to all training all over the board.

Any questions or queries - don't hesitate to reach out to anyone of us!

Top tips to boost your morning routine

It's no secret that the cold dark winter mornings can be hard to battle, especially when it involves putting on your workout gear and getting moving outside. Starting your day right with a proactive and positive morning routine is the perfect way to set the tone for the day and set yourself up to be nice and productive!
Let's get into some tips to include in your morning routine that might just change your day!

1. Get up earlier
This one seems obvious, but we are getting straight to the point here! Try and challenge yourself to get up 20 minutes earlier each day this week and see how it impacts your day. Having time to yourself whilst the world is a little quieter, and before the day gets away from you, is important for your mental health and is a guaranteed mood booster from the get-go. Giving yourself that extra time to get up can reduce the stress and rush that the morning can sometimes bring, so give yourself that challenge this week and see how you go.

2. Lay your clothes out the night before
Whether it is your work clothes or your work-out clothes, it will make your morning routine a lot less stressful trying to rummage around for a pair of socks when you are half asleep. Giving yourself one less thing to do in the morning will make it much easier to get out of bed, you will thank yourself later!

3. Don't go on your phone/screen
This one can be a hard habit to break, but many studies have shown the impact that higher phone use has and links to higher rates of anxiety, stress, and negative sleep habits. So try to start your day without reaching for your phone straight away, it will make a positive impact in the long term!

4. Do something you love/that makes you happy
Before you start the daily grind, whether that be work or study or general daily chaos, try to find an activity that you love that will make you want to spring out of bed in the morning. We know we have a dedicated team that loves their 7:15 am runs, or squeezes into an 8:20am Barry's class with Tee, but there might be something else that makes you happy. Meditation, coffee, walking your dog, journalling - you are much more inclined to wake up when your alarm goes off if you find something you love to start the day. 

At the end of the day, give yourself a reason to wake up with a smile on your face!

Workout of the week
Strength training is not only a great way to grow and build your muscular strength, but can also hugely benefit your running performance when added to your training schedule.

This is a sample from our strength training program delivered to your inbox every day - to join our FV Training membership click here!

A) Warm Up Stretch

Primer (light load, move with purpose)
40, 30, 20 secs of the following…

Renegade Row
Tall plank Dumbbell Transfer from right hip to left hip
Get ups
Hang Clean To Press

B) 12 Minute EMOM

Minute 1 : Press Ups 7 Reps, Sumo Deadlift 7 Reps Front Squat 7 Reps (time left use to recover)
Minute 2 : Gorilla Row 12 Reps (time left use to recover and transition)
Minute 3 : Floor Press 17 Reps

C) 10 Minute AMRAP

9 calorie ski erg or erg of choice
11 DB hang Snatch each arm
13 overhead walking lunges
15 lateral box jumps

Rest 3 minutes

D) 10 Minute AMRAP

Go for it here. Let us know your score!!
15 American swings
12 Air Squats
9 V ups
6 Burpee Tuck Jumps




We are so excited to chat with community member Katy this week! Keep reading to get to know her a bit more - and all the awesome goals for the year!

How did you first get involved with FVR?
I spotted FVR on an insta story of a Barry's Bootcamp instructor and thought I'd give a live run a try in December 2020. But after spending January 2020 off my feet with an ankle sprain, the Ibiza challenge couldn't have been a better way to get back out there and through the winter blues. I even got my husband Andrea to join me! (my team beat his, as I recall)

What’s your most memorable running/training memory so far?
I really loved and felt such huge achievement finishing the 21/42 challenge with Vicky by my side.

What’s your favourite FVR run? Or workout?
So tough.. I love the MPWR (for the great motivation), I hate/love the Tempus (if it weren't for Erica's banter, I wouldn't survive) and I always wish I did more lightning bolts (best music!). If favourite means which I do most, then MPRW is the winner!

What’s your fitness goal for the rest of this tear/next year?
I'm interested in running a half marathon and have my eyes on joining Erica at the Copenhagen Marathon in September!  I also have a strange family tradition/challenge where I need to run 1.5 miles in under 9 minutes this year (my 30th year). That's 16kph/10mph straight! 

What do you do when you’re not running or at the gym?
Mostly cuddling my "kitten", Spritz. Oh, and I've recently started working at a start up with tons of highly active people (good for motivation!) - check out for finding you're next 10k or half! If not, eating and reading and picking up strange hobbies.

A fun fact we might not know about you?
I never ran more than 6km before FVR! And to think, all FVR runs are now AT LEAST 6km!
Podcast of the Week
The Athlete's Mindset Podcast from Nike is a program featuring Athlete's stories and expert guidance to help strengthen your mind. In a short burst of audio, these podcasts are a perfect daily listen, or a quick mindset check every time you need a boost. Hosted by Nike coach and pro trainer, Ryan Flaherty, and neuroscientist Dr. Steph Cacioppo. 

Click here to listen

Newsletter 10/02/22


Newsletter 27/01/22

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