Newsletter 17/02/22

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Welcome to this week's newsletter!

Before we jump into this week's newsletter, a quick little note about our new Strength Training cycle which we are really excited about starting.
Strength Training in cycle #2 has a huge focus on building the glutes, not just the glute but the whole posterior chain. Expect 4 days focused on a 70% posterior chain / 30% upper body split. NO THIS IS NOT GOING TO BULK UP YOUR LEGS. This is purely for strengthening our precious posterior chain, something that is so neglected in our every day lives. 
More details to follow in the next fee days. Keep an eye on our social channels for more information

Any questions or queries - don't hesitate to reach out to anyone of us!
Erica’s marathon training top tips

So you’ve taken the plunge, bite the bullet, ready to take on a massive challenge.. the marathon. CONGRATULATIONS.. welcome to hell you’re going to be as tired as ever and more hungry then you’ve ever been in your life and you’ll love every minute.

A few thing I’ve learnt while marathon training that I’m here to share with you…
  • Firstly a training plan is essential please please please find a training plan and live by it. Learn from my mistakes and follow a training plan because if not race day will be the worst day of your life
  • Nutrition and fuel I learned taking on food and water in a race early on is essential, you should not wait until you feel thirsty or hungry because by then it’s too late and you will crash  food is fuel and water is your best friend, so on your long training runs learn what gels/ sweets work best for you so on game day you’re ready
  • Training in your kit - don’t even think about buying new trainers or shorts/ leggings for the day because if you get a blister remember you gotta have a blister for 26 miles
  • Easy runs are meant to be SLOW remember that kipchoge runs a 9 minute mile pace for his slow runs!! You gotta save the speed for your workouts 
  • Find a pace calculator online which will show you the paces you should be running for each types of your runs 
  • Lastly enjoy yourself!! Race day is meant to be fun running is meant to be fun… we’re enjoying ourselves if you aren’t having a good time then don’t punish yourself have a rest day go back to it when you’re feeling into it because if you’re not a you push it you’ll end up resent running.. just go with the flow have a smile on your face.

This weeks podcast is all about Mindset (MPWR aligned!) with Dr Andrew Huberman and Dr. Alia Crum, Associate (tenured) Professor of Psychology at Stanford University and Director of the Stanford Mind & Body Lab. Dr. Crum is a world expert on mindsets and beliefs and how they shape our responses to stress, exercise, and even to the foods we eat. In this podcast they discuss how our mindset about the nutritional content of food changes whether it is satisfying to us at a physiological (hormonal and metabolic) level. It also tells how mindsets about exercise can dramatically alter the effects of exercise on weight loss, blood pressure, and other health metrics. Dr. Crum teaches us how to think about stress in ways that allow stress to grow us and bring out our best rather than diminish our health and performance. Throughout the episode, Dr. Crum provides descriptions of high-quality peer-reviewed scientific findings that we can all leverage toward better health and performance in our lives.


We are so excited to chat with community member Hannah this week! Keep reading to get to know her a bit more and all about her running history!

How did you first get involved with FVR?
I was on a walk during the first lockdown with my friend Emma (who is my running guru and had been telling me about how amazing Tee was for ages). She mentioned that she’d started a virtual running club called FVR. She said “I have the leopard tomorrow, I’ll let you know how it goes” and I had no idea what she was talking about! I checked it out with a single run (the scorpion) and got totally hooked.

What’s your most memorable running/training memory so far?
Finishing the Richmond marathon. I was absolutely shattered and I saw a group of people in the distance jumping up and down madly. I didn’t know my whole family had come to the finish line to surprise me and it was just a lovely feeling seeing them all screaming and waving when my legs were about to collapse!

What’s your favourite FVR run? Or workout?
It's a toss up between the Hot Tamale and the Tempus for me. I think probably the Tempus pips HT just because every single week I think Erica has lost her mind with the length of the pushes and then somehow I get to the end. It’s amazing for endurance running and I’ve got quicker progressively and gradually, which is great. I do love the live HT crew, though, used to be on Tuesdays and now Mondays. We all do the dentist of runs together and endure the pain

What’s your fitness goal for the rest of this year/next year?
Im hoping to do a half marathon each quarter of the year. I’ve got one booked in March and September. Just need to find one for the winter and summer.

What do you do when you’re not running or at the gym?
I work in the media industry in the exciting world of back-end data for content creation.
I also spend far too much time with my cats, who are tiny, furry, beautiful pains in the bum.

A fun fact we might not know about you?
I never did exercise growing up and had never been to the gym until one day I decided to run 3 miles for Sport Relief. That was the first time I had ever run 5k and it felt amazing. Now running is a staple of my week and I love that Tee says we need to train to run until we’re 100 years old. Because that’ll be me, in my Lycra, jogging round the commons of London at 103.


Newsletter 24/02/22


Newsletter 10/02/22

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