Newsletter 31/03/22

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Welcome to this week's newsletter!

We can't wait to see everyone enjoying our first ever studio class at ONE LDN this Friday! Bringing Force Velocity to a studio has been something we have been working on since day 1, so to be having our first class is extremely exciting and something we are really proud to bring you! 

Any questions or queries - don't hesitate to reach out to anyone of us!
Yes yes Team. We are officially out of pure strength and into transferring our gains into building speed + power and oh boy is it going to be good!! 
Repeat after me "I am not afraid of hard work. I am a bad ass with a very strong ass and now it's time to use it!!" 
Make no mistake this is not the go ahead to forget what we've been grinding for but it is time to up the ante and incorporate new movement patterns and dynamic movements into our training regime. The body is the best adaptor so we need to keep it guessing by switching up the stimulus. 
In this cycle i want you to take your training days seriously and your rest days even more so. The in between sessions which will be swim, cycle or run focused are to be performed at an intensity for how you are feeling on that day. Take this seriously. These sessions are to aid your training and they are not to burn extra calories or punish your body. 
Use them wisely and your body will love you for it. 
As we continue to really hone in on our posterior chain and glute + hammie strength we will also be flipping this with more quad dominant and push movements from the shoulders and chest. 
Weeks 1 and 5 will always be a slightly lower load or deload week where the intensity is lower to allow for the magic to happen.


We are continuing to grow and diversify our timetable, and bring you fresh new programming and training styles every cycle. Please see below our new additions to the mix starting tomorrow with our ONE LDN class!

Treadmill run club at ONE LDN with Sally and Tee every Friday at 12.45pm-1.45pm 


Wednesday night run club is coming.. 
Starting 20th April and alternating between Tee and Erica


Next Sunday long run with Erica is on 10th April 10.30am

We want to see as many of your faces in these sessions as we can, so if you have any questions or queries - feel free to drop us a message!



We have loved learning a bit more about the fantastic Selina this week, and all about her fitness journey and prep for the Hackney Half! 

How did you first get involved with FVR?
Like a lot of people I knew of Tee from Barry’s, but my nearest studio was central so I had only done 2 classes with her before lockdown when she was covering for other instructors. But I really loved the programming and how the structure of runs just “made sense” – it felt like I was trying to achieve something in the run other than just get gassed out!  So then I followed FVR on Instagram for a while and finally went on my first run – a hot tamale – during lockdown - and was completely hooked! 
What’s your most memorable running/training memory so far?
I used to love the Saturday Scorpion followed by throw up/throw down combos during lockdown!  But also a standout memory was just after lockdown when we all did the Barry’s together and getting to meet everyone from the Zoom runs in real life for the first time.
What’s your favourite FVR run? Or workout?
Ooh a tough once as I like them all, but I tend to gravitate to the longer runs such as scorpion/tempus/solis60 – they are more in tune with my goals at the moment and also they suit my running style which I would best describe as stubborn – I am not and never will be fast, but I will keep going!
What’s your fitness goal for the rest of this tear/next year?
I’m building up to Hackney half with the FVR crew, but my main training goal is that I have just entered Chicago Marathon in October – I have to travel there for work and when I looked to see if any races were happening at the same time, I couldn’t not enter!  It will be my 5th marathon, and my previous 4 times are 5h12, 5h10, 5h8 and 5h6… so I’m on a mission to break 5h! Even 4h 59mins and 59 seconds will do!
What do you do when you’re not running or at the gym?
I’m Neuroscientist at UCL and my team is doing research into Alzheimer’s disease using stem cells. It’s an area I’m hugely excited about, and my days are a real mix of work in the lab, teaching, and supporting the charities that fund our research. It can be fairly demanding but I wouldn’t have it any other way.   Outside of work I also love live music and am so glad that gigs are back – I went to see Self Esteem last week (she is going to be huge!) and am off to Primavera Sound in June – tickets that have been booked since 2019!
A fun fact we might not know about you?
My favourite ever race is actually my personal worst time – a few years ago I did Langdale half marathon in the Lake District which is affectionately known as “the UKs toughest road marathon”.  The weather was terrible, the course has three 25% incline climbs (photo included as proof!), and  it took me over 3h to get around the course, but the camaraderie was amazing and I loved every second.  Although not sure I could face a second lap like the runners doing the two lap, full marathon course!

"RUNNING WITH KENYAN'S" by Adharanand Finn
This week's recommendation comes from our very own coach Erica. After years of watching Kenyan athletes win the world's biggest races, Adharanand Finn set out to discover just what it was that made them so fast - and to see if he could keep up. Packing up his life he moved from Devon to Iten, in Kenya, to eat with, interview, sleep beside and - most importantly – run with, some of the greatest runners in the world. In the distance rests his dream, to join the best of the Kenyan athletes in an epic first marathon across the Kenyan plains.



Newsletter 07/04/22


Newsletter 24/03/22

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